St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge and Lighthouse
If the visitor center is open, there are bathrooms at this trailhead.  The ride is about a 3-hour ride on this beautiful wildlife refuge. The whooping cranes winter here. You may see lots of bird life including ospreys and eagles, as well as deer, pigs, alligators, crocodiles, and otters. 
Directions from Tallahassee: Drive south on Woodville Hwy. and take left at flashing light at Hwy. 267 (Bloxham Cutoff). This will merge into Hwy. 98, so keep left. Drive until you see sign on the right to this National Wildlife Refuge. Park entry fee is $5.00 at the manned gate.   Park on the left across from the Visitor Center. There is only enough space for 5 or 6 rigs.
  • Limited Trailer Parking
  • Bathrooms if visitor center is open