Well, our scheduled Saturday morning ride at Miccosukee-Crump Road was looking like a rain out, but we postponed the ride until 1:00 and it turned out to be a perfect day. The sun popped out and the cool breeze felt wonderful. Jennifer (a guest and new to the area) joined us with her horse Jag, along with Linda and Blondie, Sabrina and Captain, Kathy and Sunny, and myself on General. Since we all agreed we wouldn’t mind moving on out a bit, Kathy took the lead (of course with a bit of instruction from Sharon & Linda). We moved on through the trails at a walk, slow gait, and sometimes speeding up to a more fast gait. At one stretch, my General was moving on, but Linda’s horse just extended her legs out and sailed right past me looking like she intended to win the race. As we were riding toward the I-10 overpass, I commented to Linda that I hadn’t ridden under that with General before and would like to sometime. “Well”, she said “you want to now?” and I said “sure”. So we all gathered and went under as a group. Turns out I wasn’t the only newbie at this – Sabrina had never ridden under it with her horse either. Captain and General got a little antsy, but they did awesome. Coming back was great conditioning too because, as we went under the bridge, a bike went speeding by on the road next to us, along with road traffic, not to mention traffic overhead continually moving. All horses were very alert, but behaved perfectly.
I think everybody enjoyed the fun – I know I did. I haven’t ridden General that fast in quite a while and I think my old man was getting into it keeping up with those younger horses. Horses never cease to amaze me – I guess that’s why I love them so much.
Total ride time was about 2 – 1/2 hrs. Total talk time after the ride? Awhile…..but who’s counting??
Submitted by, Sharon